Trauma Healing

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” ~Peter Levine, PHD


Trauma is a state which occurs when energies that are manifested/activated in response to an event or series of events are not properly discharged. The source of trauma can be any experience that has been overwhelming to our nervous system or our capacity to cope.

Often the discharge process is interrupted when one is compelled to attend to more ‘pressing’ matters – as when, after an accident, we are pulled aside to exchange information or fill out paperwork. Thus our natural healing abilities are disrupted, and the body is forced to ‘store’ the undischarged energy in our tissues, nerve endings, organs, etc. We may become stuck in “survival” mode, even long after the event or experience itself has passed. 

Trauma is not a disorder of the mind, but of the nervous system. If left untreated, it can have lasting physical, emotional, and cognitive repercussions. Numerous forms of dis-ease can develop as a result:

anxiety, sleep deprivation, poor digestion, not being able to make changes, depression, panic attacks, loss of control, relationship challenges, anger issues, and other psychosomatic and behavioral problems.

Sources of trauma may include accidents, falls, car accidents, injuries, physical or emotional abuse, sexual trauma, violence, invasive surgical and dental procedures, ongoing fear & conflict, loss, or even birth. Traumatic events need not be as overwhelming as war, natural disaster, or near-death experience – most of us, in fact, have experienced some form of trauma and may be carrying the resulting energy.

“Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives.It shapes the way we live, the way we love, and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds” ~Dr. Gabor Maté


Shock trauma generally refers to a singular traumatic event such as a car accident, an earthquake, a fall, loss, etc. Developmental trauma refers to the psychological effects of developmental stressors, as when a child has insufficient attention from the primary caregivers or an insufficiently nurturing relationship with the parent. As the child grows into an adult, these deficiencies may hinder the ability to function within daily life and society. 


Whatever the type or cause of trauma, very often cognitive and psychoanalytic therapies do not succeed. This is because the dysfunctions in the biology of the body and nervous system are being overlooked.

T R A U M A   R E S O L U T I O N

“We are traumatized alone, but we heal together…” ~David Grand, Ph.D.

Good News: Trauma Can Be Healed

In my practice, I use different somatic based modalities including but not limited to Brainspotting to help clients build resiliency and heal from their traumas. During sessions, the client is guided to access inner resources and can gently begin to discharge a high level of activation in a safe way. A mild curiosity about sensations in the body opens the neural pathways and allows trapped survival energies to start to discharge. Through a series of sessions, old trauma patterns are renegotiated rather than relived; inner strength and resources become newly available.

Contact me at info@ShineFromWithin.Org to start your healing journey.